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Monday, August 24, 2020
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management Research Report free essay sample
Another conceivable undertone for the SMEs is the little assembling endeavors. Little and medium undertakings, both fit as a fiddle, are not uniform over the globe. This asymmetry comes in the method of any exertion of their coordination. The manner in which they are characterized relies upon the phase of monetary turn of events and the expansive strategy purposes for which the definition is utilized. As indicated by a World Bank study, there are supposed to be in excess of 60 meanings of little and medium businesses utilized in 75 nations overviewed. The most ordinarily utilized definitions identify with either size of work as well as quantum of capital venture/fixed resources. As the procedure of financial advancement prompts changes in modern part partakes in GDP and the commitment of sub-segments inside industry, the definition is reached out to incorporate assembling businesses as well as all undertakings which fall inside or beneath the characterized cut-off point. In the ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) nations as a rule, the definition is limited to SMIs in the assembling area just, while in the OECD gathering, the definition is expanded to incorporate all Small and Medium Enterprises. In spite of the fact that work and turnover are likewise used to characterize little enterprises, as these pointers are understood in the prerequisite for enrollment under the Factories Act. In this manner, the commitment of SME part to the GDP in various nations isn't on practically identical parameters. In any case, in both created and creating economies, they were concurred unique status, explicit agreements and specific consideration. Meaning of Small Medium Enterprise in the Context of Bangladesh Despite the way that an enormous number of SMEs in Bangladesh work in the casual part, they are seen as the main vehicle for development of the national economy, enveloping a multiplier impact on business, GDP development just as significantly affecting neediness lightening. a. For assembling exercises undertakings will be sorted utilizing the accompanying definition (fixed venture infers avoidance of land and building, and valuation based on current substitution cost just):  ¦ Small endeavor: An endeavor ought to be treated as little if, in today’s advertise costs, the substitution cost of plant, apparatus and different parts/segments, installations, bolster utility, and related specialized administrations by method of promoted costs (of turn-key consultancy administrations, for instance), and so forth, barring area and building, were to be up to Tk. 15 million; Medium endeavor: An undertaking would be treated as medium if, in today’s showcase costs, the substitution cost of plant, hardware, and different parts/segments, installations, bolster utility, and related specialized administrations, (for example, turn-key consultancy), and so forth, barring area and building, were to be up to Tk. 100 million; b. For non-producing exercises, (for e xample, exchanging or different administrations), the Taskforce characterizes:  ¦ Small venture: An endeavor ought to be treated as little on the off chance that it has under 25 laborers, in full-time reciprocals;  ¦ Medium undertaking: A venture would be treated as medium in the event that it has somewhere in the range of 25 and 100 workers; SMEs have experienced noteworthy auxiliary changes after some time as far as item creation, level of capitalization and market entrance so as to conform to changes in innovation, advertise request and market get to brought by globalization and market advancement. Anyway nature stays deficient to encourage their position, scale up, incorporate and contend in the provincial and worldwide markets. In spite of the chances, SMEs in all parts figure out how to beat these difficulties and work productively, with versatility and utilizing incredible versatile and inventive limits. These are the motors of progress to open the capability of SMEs’ advancement towards economical turn of events and comprehensive development. Bangladesh has taken up the social business enterprise model and imaginative business people are wandering into exchange. In general Condition of SME in Bangladesh with regards to Bangladesh, the advancement of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) can be considered as an indispensable instrument for destitution mitigation and guarantee the fast industrialization. Various nations and associations characterize SME in an unexpected way. The Government of Bangladesh has arranged SME into two expansive classes †Manufacturing venture Manufacturing undertakings can be isolated into two classifications. Little venture: an endeavor would be treated as little if, in current market costs, the substitution cost of plant, apparatus and different parts/segments, installations, bolster utility, and related specialized administrations by method of promoted costs (of turn-key consultancy administrations, for instance), and so on, barring area and building, were to up to Tk. 15 million. Medium endeavor: a venture would be treated as medium if, in current market costs, the substitution cost of plant, apparatus and different parts/segments, installations, bolster utility, and related specialized administrations by method of promoted costs (of turn-key consultancy administrations, for instance), and so on, barring area and building, were to up to Tk. 100 million. Non-fabricating exercises, (for example, exchanging or different administrations) Non-producing exercises can be partitioned into two classifications. Little venture: an undertaking ought to be treated as little in the event that it has under 25 laborers, in full-time reciprocals; Medium undertaking: a venture ought to be treated as little in the event that it has somewhere in the range of 25 and 100 representatives. As indicated by Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics various endeavors are characterized as; No. of workers Micro 0-9 Small 10-49 Medium 50-99 Large Above 99 Research Paper Analysis Based on the subject ‘small business’ with regards to any nation other than Bangladesh however coordinates with the Bangladesh setting, we have looked and chosen the accompanying three research papers. Paper-1 The proprietor/manager’s mindset and the budgetary presentation of SMEs Paper-2 Procedure advancement by little scope enterprises in India Paper-3 Is pioneering competency and business achievement relationship dependent upon business condition? An investigation of Malaysian SMEs Of the three now we will break down each paper and clarify ‘the issue of research’, ‘methodology’ and ‘findings’. The proprietor/manager’s mindset and the budgetary presentation of SMEs Problem of the Research Despite the way that the attitude of proprietor/administrators is a significant part of their character attributes no earlier examination has made any endeavor to inspect its conceivable effect on big business execution during different phases of development. Along these lines, in view of a poll study directed in Sri Lanka, this examination endeavors to look at this part of little to medium ventures (SMEs). Philosophy Based on a survey of the writing, a reasonable model was built as the underlying advance in this examination for picturing and testing the connection between proprietor/managers’ character styles, operational methodologies and money related execution. The model was then reached out to mirror the connection between proprietor/manager’s attitude styles and monetary execution over all phases of big business development. [pic] Figure: Basic connection between proprietor/manager’s attitude and venture execution Findings The consequences of the investigation show that there is a solid connection between proprietor/managers’ mindset and budgetary execution of their endeavors. Besides, when proprietor/supervisors of these endeavors become increasingly pioneering disapproved in the initial and decay arranges their presentation will in general be higher. Be that as it may, this relationship isn't believed to be noteworthy in the development and development stages. Methodology improvement by little scope ventures in India Problem of the Research In the current situation of e-globalization, little scope businesses (SSIs) are viewed as motor for monetary development everywhere throughout the world. Reseller's exchanges globalization, SSIs are confronting numerous weights and imperatives to support their intensity. The motivation behind this paper is to look at different issues in setting of Indian SSIs, for example, nature of weights and limitations, serious needs, capabilities improvement, zones of venture, and their relationship with execution. Procedure For gathering information, a poll based overview was led. Altogether, 75 substantial reactions were gotten. Measurable investigation of information procured from study is finished by dependability test, t-test, and connection examination. Figure: Framework for study Findings Cost decrease, quality improvement, and conveyance in time have developed as significant difficulties for SSIs. Statistical surveying, government assistance of workers, and innovative work are found as significant regions for venture. Utilization of data innovation, preparing of representatives, and innovative work has critical relationship with execution. Is pioneering competency and business achievement relationship dependent upon business condition? An investigation of Malaysian SMEs Problem of the Research The motivation behind this article is to assess the impact of pioneering capabilities and the directing impact of business condition on business achievement in little and medium measured endeavors (SMEs) in Malaysia. Procedure An example of 212 Malaysian SME proprietor authors partook in this investigation. The auxiliary condition displaying (SEM) methodology was utilized to test the proposed model. Figure: Theoretical structure Findings The outcomes indicated that innovative skills were solid indicators of business accomplishment in SMEs in Malaysia. It was likewise discovered that the relationship between pioneering capabilities and business achievement was all the more firmly clear in antagonistic and dynamic situations than in increasingly benevolent and stable conditions. It was proposed that understanding business accomplishment through the viewpoint of enterprising competenci
Wednesday, July 15, 2020
Learn How to Start a Compare and Contrast Essay
Learn How to Start a Compare and Contrast Essay A compare and contrast essay is one of those few chances that students get to exercise and sharpen their ability to think and look at things critically and analytically. It also allows them to express their critical thinking in a written form that is well-structured and orderly. Additionally, such essays let students examine and view things with a new perspective based on the way those objects or ideas are similar or differ. But before you engage these skills, you ought to know how to approach and begin a compare and contrast essay. This article will share with you all the tips, tricks, and ideas on starting a compare and contrast essay. What is a compare and contrast essay? But before delving deep into the details of how to start these essays, we need to get the definition of this type of paper. When you get a concise understanding of this type of essay assignment, it will be easier for you to move forward with understanding how best to commence the essay. In simple language, a compare and contrast essay is a paper that picks two different ideas, persons, or objects that are related to or are dissimilar to each other so as to examine their similarities, differences, or both. A great compare and contrast essay should achieve one or some of these results: Clarify things by making it easy for people to understand them Allow readers to know what they didn’t know before Tell the reader that a particular object is better than the other Produce a fresh way of viewing a matter Produce a fact-supported argument Brainstorming your topic After understanding the definition of a compare and contrast essay, you should look at how best you need to brainstorm your topic. After getting the topic you need to write about, sit down with it and let facts and ideas settle down inside your mind in a clear way. This process of musing over these ideas so that you can clearly develop what to write about is called brainstorming. What is similar or different? Since your essay will be comparing and contrasting two ideas or objects, start your brainstorming by looking at how the two objects differ and are similar. Give it a journalistic taste Additionally, you also use a journalistic angle to get all the facts you need on the objects under comparison and contrast. This approach is best suited if you are comparing or contrasting past events. This way, you will be able to answer the simple question, “Who did what where, why, when, and how?†This technique will show who caused an action or actions, the dates, the venue, the motives, and the methods they used to do that. Assess the adequacy of your material After researching your topic, it is necessary to critically look at your materials to establish if they are sufficient to give you an easy writing time. If you determine the material is insufficient, you have to do extra research to fill the deficit. This way, you will ensure that you don’t begin your essay only to run out of ideas. You may also decide to consult your lecturer to assist you to fill up your research material deficit. Creating an outline After you are done with your brainstorming, you ought to draft a compare and contrast essay outline to guide you through the process of structuring your ideas and materials. A good outline will give you a clear guidepost to where you should go as you organize your materials. Your outline will also enable you to present your ideas logically from the introduction to the conclusion. Writing an introduction Understanding the best way to draft a compare and contrast essay introduction will set the ball rolling. Your introductory section will orient the reader into what you are going to discuss in the essay. The following are the components you will include in your introduction: Your primary topic Your primary topic allows you to provide your reader with the first hint of what lies ahead. This component should serve as a hook to take and maintain your reader on board. The objects of your comparison and contrasting After orienting your readers into your topic, show them which particular objects or ideas you will be comparing and contrasting. Your thesis Your thesis statement needs to come at the end of your introduction. It gives your readers an idea of the position you have taken on the topic and how you will defend it throughout the essay. Twin tips to draft your introduction The following tips will make your introduction more forceful. When to write your introduction In as much as the introduction of your essay is critical, it is also important to know when to write it. The reason here is that though it is your essay’s beginning point, it is not a must to write it first because it acts as a summarized introduction to what you intend to discuss in your essay. You should write is last after drafting the ideas you need to summarize. This way, you will not forget to capture any necessary idea because you will have already captured everything in the body paragraphs. Write authoritatively Your introductory section is an access to your assignment hence you should stamp your authority to win the confidence of your audience. By writing authoritatively, keep off apologies that make you look “humble†at the cost of maintaining confidence in your ideas. Parting shot Understanding the techniques of starting compare and contrast essays is key to drafting papers that will fetch you better grades. This article has shown you the best ways to achieve all that and has also left you with the personal responsibility of optimizing these ideas to sharpen your skills. But if you face inconveniencing life challenges, you can rely on the all-round essay writing help that your-writers.net offers. Contact us today for all your essay writing needs.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Ray Bradbury s Fahrenheit 451 - 1375 Words
Every time we peek into a book, we have faith that each mystery behind the tale will unfold in an engaging conclusion that will leave a mark upon us. Now imagine wiping knowledge off the surface of the earth, it’s like plucking the petals from every rose that ever grew in the world. The only thing left of a rose is the stem and no growth. In order to achieve knowledge, we need books in our society. Has it slowly become a new trend to ignore the fact that books bring enlightenment to our knowledge. There is a novel I read that gives humans an insight to why books are significant. In â€Å"Fahrenheit 451†by Ray Bradbury, he writes this novel on a future dystopian American society. In this engaging controversy, the people have become part of a†¦show more content†¦He feels nothing when he burns books he even states, â€Å"It’s a pleasure to burn†(Bradbury,1). Montag ignorance won’t allow him to see the power of books. He lives in a society i n which their government has complete control over the reading of books. The peoples have been carefully manipulated into ignorance on the value of books. Montag’s wife Mildred, in all honesty believes her family and knowledge is gained through TVs. Although, not all have rebelled by hiding books, a professor named Faber was many of the few who hid books for his own benefit. Montag is later than conflicted with the value of books. He soon realizes the meaningful power of books; which hold the history of the people before us. He then tries to pursued others and is soon doomed to become a wanted man for breaking the law and for killing the chief. The city is soon bombed by jets because of the war going on. Montag then teams up with others who support the value of books and decides to return back to his city with all the knowledge he learned to rebuild a society. However, in the novel not everyone was controlled by the state, some went against and kept books to read. There was an older woman who believed strongly in the power of books and the knowledge built in it. In many of the missions Montag was given, he was assigned to a home where a woman was illegally found guilty of having books in her home. Montag, after witnessing a
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Cage Analysis Administrative - 830 Words
The second element of the CAGE analysis is the administrative distance between two countries. In this case we will be discussing the administrative distance between Germany and the United States. First of all Germany and United Stated do not belong to a common trade block. Although lately rumors occurred of the European Union and United Stated creating a free trade area called the Transatlantic Free Trade Area (TAFTA) or Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). However it seems highly unlikely of that free trade are coming into existence due to a number of differences in regulations, trade barriers, etc. Tariff barriers such as the ones imposed on agriculture are politically sensitive. Disagreements exist on regulatory†¦show more content†¦The growth of the EUs economic power has led to a number of trade conflicts between the two powers. However both are dependent upon the others economic market and disputes affect only 2% of trade. In 2007, a Transatlantic Economic Counsel was established in order to direct economic cooperation between the European Union and the United States. The counsel was lead by the US Deputy National Security Advisor for International Economic Affairs and the EUs Commissioner for Trade. The US and the EU do not see eye to eye on everything, one of the key issues is genetically modified food. The EU has felt domestic pressure to restrict the import of genetically modified food until their safety is proven satisfactory. The US on the other hand is under pressure from its agricultural industry to force the EU to accept imports. They behold the EUs restrictions as protectionary behavior. Economic barriers between the EU/EFTA and the US/NAFTA are considering all relatively low and some efforts have been made to relax trade relationships such as the single sky aviation agreement and the establishment of the Transatlantic Economic Counsel as mentioned before. However the EU and US have many trade disputes, which the majority of them end up before the World Trade Organization, which they are both member off. All industrial imports into Germany are subjected to an Import Turnover TaxShow MoreRelatedSkii Case Analysis1041 Words  | 5 PagesJapanese market, introduce the product in china, or introduce it in Europe. Decision After careful consideration and analysis, I would recommend that Cesare pursue a strategy that prioritizes a focus on the Japanese market and eventually transitions into China. SK-II is a proven product in a market that is has yet to be fully tapped. With a penchant for numbers and analysis, Japan’s consumers are some of the most sophisticated easiest to target in the world. 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The context was developed by (Ghemawat, P. 2001) to shed break on the fact that the absorbed tools that managers evaluate when evaluating foreign markets to inspire in consistently underestimate the costs and risks of selected internationally. Ghemawat argues that an analysis overall possibleRead MoreCompetitive Strategy For International Trade Opportunities1203 Words  | 5 PagesCompetitive Strategyâ€Æ' Table of Contents Week 3: What is Strategy? 1 Week 4: Innovation of the Business Model 2 Week 5: CAGE framework to evaluate international trade opportunities 3 Reference List 4 â€Æ' Week 3: What is Strategy? According to Abraham, (2012) the word strategy mainly originated from the Greek word Strategoes that means about the art in general. Moreover, it is the analysis of the project with the help of the direct campaigns. 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Grolsch has positioned itself well to compete internationally and has leveraged several tools (e.g. the MABA framework, strategic analysis) to effectively expand abroad. However, they must assess whether or not the MABA framework is still useful, what type of international strategy they should pursue (i.e. developed vs. developing markets), and if their adaptation strategies will continueRead MoreToys R Us 1317 Words  | 6 PagesToys â€Å"R†Us Japan Answer1: Is Japan a good market for Toys â€Å"R†Us? CAGE Framework Cultural: * Lavish spending on children’s toys and clothes to compensate for constant pressure to excel in school * Greater preference to personal attention and guaranteed repair rather than low prices * But the younger generation owing to a greater international exposure realized that they were paying greater prices for many consumer goods compared to global standard * Cultural shift from
University Success Free Essays
Grand Canyon University strives to support student learning by creating an online community. A â€Å"community†feeling inside an online course can help me as well as other students stay motivated. Online classrooms have the same characteristics as a traditional classroom; however, the class instructors direct course materials through a Grand Canyon University online portal. We will write a custom essay sample on University Success or any similar topic only for you Order Now The course instructor presents topic-based questions to the students in the classroom forum that allow collaboration of student and instructor thoughts, debates, and experiences. The online interaction between classmates as well as instructor creates a virtual community where classmates and instructor can rely on each other while helping each other to stay motivated. The online classroom relies on collaboration between students and instructor in order to promote successful learning experiences. Collaboration in an online classroom consists of student responses to the instructor’s questions. As students post their individual thoughts, other students respond to them adding their own perspectives, experiences, and knowledge. Once the conversations volley back and forth thru ought the course’s main forum true collaboration begins. According to the text University Success E2, â€Å"The keys to avoiding isolation are communication, collaboration, and networking†(Grand Canyon University, 2012). It is evident that collaboration in both an online and a traditional classroom is dependent on instruction, participation, as well as feedback and it is most effective when students participate several times a day. It is imperative that students are aware that they are responsible for their own collaboration by participating in interactions with other classmates and the instructor through the class wall, individual forum, e-mail, or chat rooms. A major advantage that comes from effective collaboration is the skills that students gain from being actively involved in the classroom that is necessary for almost every career. My future career as a teacher depends on effective collaboration among my peers and me as it ensures professional development and school improvements. Some students use collaboration to network beyond the classroom. For instance, networking with family, friends, coworkers, Twitter, Facebook, or other discussion forums opens up portals to further collaboration with non-GCU students. Further collaboration expands the students’ minds as well as offers more information or perspectives. Furthermore, networking is beneficial to professionals in any career field because it expands professional knowledge, keeps professionals abreast of new business trends, offers career and personal opportunities, as well as provides business leads. How to cite University Success, Papers
Saturday, April 25, 2020
Windshield Survey Essay Example For Students
Windshield Survey Essay Windshield Survey Data Collection Grid and Paper Carletta Pope and Terra Wheeler HCS/457 July 25, 2010 Dr. Jamal, MD, MPH CERTIFICATE OF ORIGINALITY: I certify that the attached paper is my original work and has not previously been submitted by me or anyone else for any class. I further declare I have cited all sources from which I used language, ideas, and information, whether quoted verbatim or paraphrased, and that any assistance of any kind, which I received while producing this paper, has been acknowledged in the References section. I have obtained written permission from the copyright holder for any trademarked material, logos, or images from the Internet or other sources. I further agree that my name typed on the line below is intended to have, and shall have, the same validity as my handwritten signature. Students signature (name typed here is equivalent to a signature): Carletta Pope, Terra Wheeler Windshield Survey A windshield survey is conducted from a car and provides a visual overview of a community. We will write a custom essay on Windshield Survey specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Conditions and trends in the community that could affect the health of the population are documented and provide background and context for working in the community or for conducting a community survey of Charlotte, NC. For Community Health Nurses to be able to knowledgeably plan services for a community, it is essential to know a specific community, identify health-related resources that may be helpful to members, and learn about gaps in services. The boundaries for Charlotte, NC zip code 28216 include highway 16, state road 24 and interstates 77,277, 85, and 485. The economical status of 28216 contains lower class through middle class with an estimate median income of $45,000 per year. The buildings were mostly built between the years of 1950-1989. Homes are constructed from brick, wood, and vinyl siding. This area contains both single family and multifamily homes. The conditions of these homes range from old and abandoned, well kept older homes, homes that need work and reconditioning, homes that have already been reconditioned, and new homes. 28216 are mostly well maintained. As with many other areas, there are areas that have garbage and trash scattered about, abandoned autos, open fields for rodents and other wildlife to live and hide, and vacant lots. There are both old and new homes in this area and some of these homes and buildings have been around for decades. Some areas are being developed quickly. Mecklenburg County Park and Recreation is on Highway 16 and is for children and adults. 28216 also have a YMCA, a track and field at the Johnson C. Smith University, and two other parks for the public to gather and spend time together. There is one park, the Biddleville Park, which is also in the area that is well maintained but does not appear to be used. 28216 contain churches, restaurants, and clubs as well as the previously mentioned parks and recreation areas. Some of the restaurants include Nikki’s, Mr. C’s, and Club Excelsior. There are also fast food restaurants such as McDonald’s, KFC, and Burger King where people can get together and hang out. Teens and young adults also like to hang out at the many corner stores which are easily identifiable by building signs. There are many services for the community and many of them are right off Beatties Ford Rd. These service areas include the public library of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County, Beatties Ford Road Branch, Prime Care Medical Center, Professional Career Center and many others. The schools in the area include a high school, four elementary schools, and a middle school. 28216 have quite a few stores as well. They have grocery stores, retail shops, drug stores, dry cleaners, and of course gas stations. Residents can travel by car or public transportation. Some people drive a car alone (76%). Others carpool (14%) and then there is the bus or trolley bus (5%). The CATS (Charlotte Area Transit System) is the main mode of transportation. On the observation of 28216, many bus stops were seen with three to four waiting passengers. Some were dressed for work whereas others were dressed casually. There are two main newspapers that are delivered to the 28216 area, the Charlotte Observer and the Mountain Island Weekly. There are billboards promoting local schools, businesses, and public awareness. The busses also have advertisements in the form of posters on them. These posters can also be found in the local university, in small shopping centers, and in health care facilities. The people of the 28216 area code vary. Some were unemployed, others were students, and then there were the workers out on their lunch break. Dress style also varied in this area. Some wore work uniforms and others were casually dressed. There were no animals seen during observations, but when speaking with some of the residents many spoke of having dogs. Cars and up keep of homes showed the individual’s class and as previously mentioned class ranges from lower to middle class. The Education and Health field consists of 11% of the workforce and Retail/Wholesale consists of 9% of the workforce in 28216. Other industries in the area include Manufacturing and Finance/Real Estate. There are also employees at the local stores, banks, restaurants, university, and health care facilities. The fire station and the two police departments also are places for employment even though the fire station appeared to be rather small. The most common ethnic group in 28216 is African American (60%). Only 30% of the community are white with the remaining 10% of the residents being other races such as Pacific Islander/Asian, Hispanic and mixed races. Johnson C. Smith University is considered a HBCU (Historical Black College or University). Another option is Another Choice for Black Children which is a charlotte based adoption agency for African-American children and other children with special needs. 28216 contain a variety of religious facilities and denominations to go along with the variety of religions and cultures. The dominant religion in the area is Baptists. The high number of fast food restaurants and eateries may attribute to chronic disease. Individuals were observed smoking, but no one was seen using drugs or drinking alcohol. While observing the community there wasn’t any active political activity but there were many signs indicating the community was predominantly Democratic. Many car bumpers were decorated with â€Å"Obama†car decals, one small boy was wearing a â€Å"Yes We Can†t-shirt, and some homes had â€Å"Obama†flags visible. The university, Johnson C. Smith, openly affiliates with both the Democratic and Republican parties but the majority is Democratic. .uaa39a733a8cfcf54a013f3a56795f114 , .uaa39a733a8cfcf54a013f3a56795f114 .postImageUrl , .uaa39a733a8cfcf54a013f3a56795f114 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uaa39a733a8cfcf54a013f3a56795f114 , .uaa39a733a8cfcf54a013f3a56795f114:hover , .uaa39a733a8cfcf54a013f3a56795f114:visited , .uaa39a733a8cfcf54a013f3a56795f114:active { border:0!important; } .uaa39a733a8cfcf54a013f3a56795f114 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uaa39a733a8cfcf54a013f3a56795f114 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uaa39a733a8cfcf54a013f3a56795f114:active , .uaa39a733a8cfcf54a013f3a56795f114:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uaa39a733a8cfcf54a013f3a56795f114 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uaa39a733a8cfcf54a013f3a56795f114 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uaa39a733a8cfcf54a013f3a56795f114 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uaa39a733a8cfcf54a013f3a56795f114 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uaa39a733a8cfcf54a013f3a56795f114:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uaa39a733a8cfcf54a013f3a56795f114 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uaa39a733a8cfcf54a013f3a56795f114 .uaa39a733a8cfcf54a013f3a56795f114-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uaa39a733a8cfcf54a013f3a56795f114:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Analyzing the Narrative Structure of Battleship Potemkin EssayBoundaries Are the boundaries geographical, political, or economic? How is this seen? Do neighborhoods have names? Are there sub-communities? How are these identified? Housing and Zoning What is the age of the buildings? What are the construction materials? Are the residences single family or multifamily dwellings? What is the size and condition of the lots (repaired or damaged)? Signs of Decay Is the area well maintained or in disrepair? Is there garbage strewn? Are there trashed/abandoned cars, places for rodents or other wildlife to hide, vacant lots? Parks and Recreational Areas Are there playing areas for children and adults? Are they safe and maintained? Who uses them? Common Areas Where do people collect for social gatherings of all sorts; where do they â€Å"hang out†? Are they for particular groups or are they open to all? Are there signs posted? Service Centers Where the services for the community are located – health care, social services, schools, employment offices etc.? Stores What stores (grocery, retail, drug, dry cleaning, etc. ) are in the area? How do residents travel to them? Transportation How do most people get around the area? Is there public transportation? If so what kind and does it appear to be used? Who uses it? What is the condition of the streets, roads, highways? Communication Is there evidence of local and national newspapers to other media? Are there informational posters on streets, busses, billboards, etc.? People in the Community Who is in the area during the day? How are they dressed? Are there animals (pets) with them or in the area? What evidence is there of particular. â€Å"Classes†of people – upper, middle, working, lower? Industries What are the major industries? What types of occupations are evident? Protective Services Where are fire and police stations located? Is there evidence of police and fire protection in the area? Is it more in one region than another? Ethnicity What is the predominant ethnic group? Are there residents from a variety of ethnic backgrounds or is the community mostly one group? Which one? Are there stores, restaurants, churches, schools, or languages that indicate a particular ethnic group(s)? Religion What churches and church-run schools are in the area? Who apparently uses them and when? How many are there? Health and Morbidity Is there evidence of any health problems such as drug abuse, communicable diseases, chronic diseases, mental illnesses etc.? Politics Is there evidence of any political activity? Are there any signs that indicate predominant political parties and political concerns? The geographical boundaries for 28216 include highway 16, state road 24, interstate 77, interstate 277, interstate 85, and interstate 485. Political affiliation appears to include non-affiliated, conservative, and democratic. The economic status of 28216 in general ranges from lower class – middle class. The estimated median income is $45,000 per year. The neighborhoods are named and identified by entrance signs. There are also sub-communities which are identified by signage. Some of the neighborhoods include Biddleville-Smallwood Community, Claiborne Woods, Fox Chase Community, Hoskins Community, Historic Washington Heights, and University Park. There are homes and buildings that were built before 1950, but majority of the homes and buildings were built between 1950 -1989. The homes and buildings are constructed from brick, wood, and vinyl siding. Specifically in the Beatties Ford Rd. rea there are both single and multifamily homes, as well as low-income housing. These homes vary in size. The condition of the homes also varies in the Beatties Ford area. There are abandoned homes, well-kept older homes, homes in need of reconditioning, homes that have been reconstructed, and new homes. The entire 28216 zip code, for the most part, is well maintained. In different areas there is garba ge scattered, trashed and abandoned cars, field areas for rodents and other wildlife to hide, as well as vacant lots. The residents and city seem to do a great job of maintaining most areas. The area consists of old and new. There are homes and buildings that have been around for decades, such as in the Beatties Ford Rd. area. Then there are areas that are being developed and quickly growing like Mount Holly-Huntersville and the Northlake Mall area. There are parks and recreational areas for children and adults. Mecklenburg County Park and Recreation is on Highway 16. Specifically in the Beatties Ford Rd. area the parks and facilities include the YMCA, the track and field at Johnson C. Smith University, Firestone Neighborhood Park, and Hornets Nest Park. These areas appear safe and well maintained. Biddleville Park is also in the Beatties Ford Rd. area. It appears to be maintained, but not used. All of these facilities are used by the residents of the area. There are many areas for social gatherings in the 28216 area code. There are churches, the park and recreational facilities (as previously mentioned), restaurants, and clubs. In the Beatties Ford Rd. area there is Johnson C. Smith University (which is a common area for the student population), many churches, parks, local eateries such as Nikki’s, Mr. C’s, The Original Chicken-N-Ribs, Club Excelsior. There are a number of fast food restaurants, such as McDonald’s, KFC, and Burger King where many people like to hang out. There are also a number of corner-stores where the teens and young adult population like to gather. These gathering areas are easily identified by building signs. They are open to all, but those that socialize together may share a similar culture and lifestyle. The majority of the services for the community in the 28216 area are located immediately off Beatties Ford Rd. These services include the Public Library of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County, Beatties Ford Road Branch, Prime Care Medical Center, Professional Career Center, Mecklenburg Health Department, Adult Day Care, Family Counseling Services and Another Choice for Black Children. Schools located around the area include West Charlotte High School, Bruns Elementary School, Hornets’ Nest Elementary, Mountain Island Elementary School, Lincoln Heights Elementary School and University Park Middle. The 28216 zip code consists of numerous grocery stores, retail shops, drug stores, dry cleaners, and gas stations. This includes Wal-Mart, Food Lion, Harris Teeter, Circle K, and North Lake Mall. Residents travel by car or public transportation. In the Betties Ford Rd. area there is Food Lion, Two-Way (gas station), Biddleville Pharmacy, corner-stores, meat markets, and a number of beauty salons and barbershops. The most common means of transportation in the Beatties Ford Rd. area include driving a car alone (76%), carpooling (14%) and traveling by bus or trolley bus (5%). The CATS (Charlotte Area Transit System) is the main mode of public transportation. .u79664a6a3f0168327864f2961c8b18fc , .u79664a6a3f0168327864f2961c8b18fc .postImageUrl , .u79664a6a3f0168327864f2961c8b18fc .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u79664a6a3f0168327864f2961c8b18fc , .u79664a6a3f0168327864f2961c8b18fc:hover , .u79664a6a3f0168327864f2961c8b18fc:visited , .u79664a6a3f0168327864f2961c8b18fc:active { border:0!important; } .u79664a6a3f0168327864f2961c8b18fc .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u79664a6a3f0168327864f2961c8b18fc { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u79664a6a3f0168327864f2961c8b18fc:active , .u79664a6a3f0168327864f2961c8b18fc:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u79664a6a3f0168327864f2961c8b18fc .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u79664a6a3f0168327864f2961c8b18fc .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u79664a6a3f0168327864f2961c8b18fc .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u79664a6a3f0168327864f2961c8b18fc .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u79664a6a3f0168327864f2961c8b18fc:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u79664a6a3f0168327864f2961c8b18fc .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u79664a6a3f0168327864f2961c8b18fc .u79664a6a3f0168327864f2961c8b18fc-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u79664a6a3f0168327864f2961c8b18fc:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Women In Ancient Times: From Matriarchy To Patriarchy EssayWhile observing the community, many bus stops were occupied with 3-4 awaiting passengers. Some of the passengers were in their work uniforms and others were casually dressed. The conditions of the roads range from roads that need minor repairs to roads that have been newly paved. The Charlotte Observer and Mountain Island Weekly are delivered to the 28216 area. There are numerous billboards advertising and promoting local schools, businesses, and public awareness. Informational posters are located on busses, around the university, in small shopping centers, and health care facilities in the areas. The posters contain information about Johnson C. Smith, local events and services around the community. During the day on Beatties Ford Rd. there was a variety of people, ranging from those that were unemployed and just hanging out, students, and workers on their lunch breaks. The style of dress in the area also varied. Some were in their work uniform, some casually dressed (business casual, so to speak), others were dressed in urban wear. While conducting the windshield survey no animals were observed, but after speaking with some residents in the Beatties Ford Rd. rea, many of them noted having dogs. Class is evident in the area by the types of cars that are drive, the up keep of the homes and the surrounding facilities, the appearance of the residents etc. Depending on which end or area of Beatties Ford Rd (or surrounding) that you are on, may help to better determine the class of people. As previously mentioned, it ranges from lower class to middle class. The two major industries based upon employment are the Education and Health field which consists of 11% of the workforce and Retail/Wholesale that consists of 9% of the workforce in the 28216 community. Other industries noted are Manufacturing and Finance/Real Estate. Employers in the area include fast food restaurants, numerous banks, and Johnson C. Smith University and health care facilities. Fire Station 15 is located on Keller Avenue, off of Beatties ford road in Charlotte. The fire department was rather small and didn’t compare to the largely populated area, in case of an emergency it is likely that other fire departments would be contacted for assistance. There are two police stations on Beatties ford road that are located approximately 2 miles from each other. While observing the area numerous officer vehicles were spotted around the community. One officer was sitting in a school parking lot, another officer appeared to be talking to a group of young men in the park and another one was spotted sitting in the middle of a common intersection on Beatties Ford Rd. The predominant ethnic group in the 28216 area is African American population, which consists of 60% of the community. 30% of the residents are White and the remaining 10% consists of other races including Pacific Islander/Asian, Hispanic and mixed races. Johnson C. Smith University is considered an HBCU (Historical Black College or University) and Another Choice for Black Children is a Charlotte-based adoption agency that works to find homes for African-American children and other children with special needs. The area consists of numerous religious facilities and denominations. After talking to some residents around the area, the dominant religion in the area is Baptist. Residents attending the local services range from lower to middle class community members. Some of the bigger churches in the area include University Park Baptist holding Sunday morning worship services, Sunday morning youth worship services are also held in the Family Life and Wellness Center and Thursday evenings, Bible Study begins. In addition to traditional services, The Park offers organized recreational events and professional catering for banquets and receptions. It also encourages physical health by providing a weight room and an aerobics room with scheduled fitness classes. The church has a Prayer Room, counseling services for members and non-members, a children’s nursery, a Mother’s Morning Out and a Kingdom Kids After School program. Williams Memorial Presbyterian Church holds Sunday Services weekly, bible study held daily, and summer camp for children. Wilson Heights Church of God holding services on Sunday, Wednesday Night Bible Study and Cub scouts weekly. The religious based school in the area is the Salem Christian Academy; there are 34 Students who attend daily ranging from kindergarten to 6th grade. On Betties Ford Rd. nd the surrounding area the number of fast food restaurants and eateries may attribute to chronic disease. Individuals were observed smoking, while conducting the survey, but no one was seen using drugs or drinking alcohol. While riding around the community there wasn’t any active political activity but there were many signs supporting and indicating the community was predominantly Democratic. Many car bumper s were decorated with â€Å"Obama†car decals, one small boy was wearing a â€Å"Yes We Can†t-shirt, and some homes had â€Å"Obama†flags visible. The university, Johnson C. Smith, openly affiliates with both the Democratic and Republican party however the vast majority is Democratic. (Modified from Stanhope M. , Knollmueller, R. N. (1997). Public and community health nurse’s consultant: A health promotion guide. St. Louis: Mosby. ) Disability status of the civilian non- institutional population Both sexesMaleFemale Population 5 years and over27,77412,80814,966 With a disability6,2292,8103,419 Percent with a disability22. 421. 922. 8 Population 5 to 15 years4,7672,3782,389 With a disability24314499 Percent with a disability5. 16. 14. 1 Sensory592039 Physical412417 Mental16110853 Self-care20200 Population 16 to 64 years19,4839,04810,435 With a disability4,4442,1192,325 Percent with a disability22. 823. 422. 3 Sensory434196238 Physical1,182415767 Mental672308364 Self-care395176219 Going outside the home1,8927851,107 Employment disability3,2591,6131,646 Population 65 years and over3,5241,3822,142 With a disability1,542547995 Percent with a disability43. 839. 646. 5 Sensory340132208 Physical1,035342693 Mental444150294 Self-care427152275 Going outside the home806256550 Population 18 to 34 years7,5603,5943,966 With a disability1,337795542 Percent enrolled in college or graduate school20. 121. 518. 1 Percent not enrolled and with a bachelors degree or higher9. 16. 912. 4 No disability6,2232,7993,424 Percent enrolled in college or graduate school26. 021. 130. 0 Percent not enrolled and with a bachelors degree or higher19. 019. 718. 3 Population 21 to 64 years16,9627,9139,049 With a disability4,0731,9352,138 Percent employed59. 365. 953. 2 No disability12,8895,9786,911 Percent employed78. 285. 971. 5 (X) Not applicable. Source: U. S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Summary File 3, Matrices P42, PCT26, PCT27, PCT28, PCT29, PCT30, PCT31, PCT32, and PCT33.
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